Your Role as a Manager
As a Manager, you are appointed to ensure the Units in your District or Region run according to the policies and practices of Girl Guides Australia and your State or Territory Girl Guide Organisation (SGGO). Your role is not to tell your Leaders what to do, but to coach, encourage and guide them. In turn, they will feel motivated to develop and implement creative, effective, and well-balanced programs for their Girl Guides. Nevertheless, there will be occasions when you must take a more directive stance, maybe due to a safety issue, backlogs with paperwork, or conflict within your team.
To be an effective Manager you need to:
- commit to the aims, principles, and program ideals of Girl Guiding
- enjoy the company of girls and young women and be passionate about their development
- respect the contributions and capabilities of other adults
- listen deeply to Guides, other adults, parents, and community stakeholders
- be fair and not have favourites
- have a good time with Guides but without stepping on the toes of the leadership teams
- inspire, manage, and/or control depending on the situation and the Leader/s
- follow-through on your promises
- admit when you don’t know something and then find the answer
- both challenge and support your team of volunteers
- encourage your team to undertake ongoing development
- commit to your learning and development.
Major Responsibilities
Guide Lines contain up-to-date role descriptions for District Managers and Region Managers. The position descriptions use the module titles from the Management Qualification so new Managers have clarity on how their learning relates to the position they will fill. In many ways the management positions are empowering roles; providing effective management and leadership to develop adult Leaders and Managers to enable the delivery of a high-quality Australian Guide Program. The major elements of the management roles, summarised from the role descriptions are set out below. Subsequent chapters of this Handbook contain more information on each of the six key areas.
Leading Guiding
- Build collaborative relationships, help, support, and share skills and knowledge with Adult Members and others
- Build a strong Region/District of active Units and engaged members
- Organise, facilitate, chair, and participate in meetings to build the team and provide tangible advice and assistance on Girl Guiding in your area of responsibility
- Raise the visibility of State Girl Guide Organisation, Girl Guides Australia, and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts’ goals, initiatives, and plans
- Celebrate achievements of girls and Units and foster a strong commitment to sustainable Girl Guiding.
Leading Your Team
- Manage Adult Members so the right people are in the right role, properly inducted and fully trained, and with ongoing access to appropriate learning and development
- Recognize and value the contribution of adult members and volunteers
- Model the Girl Guide Promise and Guide Law and support others to further their commitment
- Build a motivated team that utilises individual talents, provides opportunities for learning, and ensures things get done efficiently and effectively.
Minimising Risk
- Know and comply with obligations under national and State Work Health and Safety Acts and Girl Guides Australia and State Girl Guides Organisation policy and procedures
- Ensure risk assessments, risk management plans, and risk management training are completed
- Model safe practices and healthy approaches and minimise risk on an ongoing basis.
Managing Administration
- Follow current Girl Guides Australia and State Girl Guides Organisation policies and procedures
- Maintain records, manage correspondence and forms, fulfill reporting obligations and financial requirements
- Manage property issues and ensure equipment and property are adequately maintained
Building for the Future
- Plan the continuous growth of Girl Guiding and recruitment and retention of members
- Undertake promotional activities to inform the community about Girl Guiding
- Build relationships and communicate effectively with stakeholders in the community
- Help other members abide by the principles and methods of Girl Guiding.
Being involved with Guide Units
- Encourage high-quality delivery of AGP and share best practice
- Take appropriate opportunities to participate in ceremonies, events, campaigns, camps, etc.
Policy and Procedural Accountabilities
You are responsible to your State Girl Guiding Organisation for Guiding within the area to which you are appointed. As well as the general responsibilities outlined above you have specific policy and procedural accountabilities.
District Manager Accountabilities
Set out below are the policy and procedural accountabilities for District Managers, although there may be some variation across the State Girl Guide Organisations.
- Appoint and induct Leaders and approve Unit Helper appointments
- Appoint Mentors
- Hold regular District meetings and report to Region meetings
- Call and attend the District Annual General Meeting; held between 1 January and 31 March each year
- Be a co-signatory on District, Support Group and all Unit bank accounts
- Process transfer forms for Girl Guides or Leaders moving to another District
- Ensure annual property and equipment audits are completed
- Appoint auditors and ensure relevant bank accounts are audited annually before the District AGM
- Recess or disband Units or Support Groups in consultation with Region Manager
- Recommend suspension of member’s appointment to Region Manager and/or State Commissioner.
Region Manager Accountabilities
Set out below are the policy and procedural accountabilities for Region Managers, although there may be some variation across the State Girl Guide Organisations.
- Appoint District Managers
- Be a co-signatory on Region and District bank accounts
- Recess or disband Districts (and in States where there are no District Mangers, recess or disband Units or Support Groups)
- Hold regular Region meetings
- Report to State meetings.
Capabilities, Skills, and Knowledge
The Australian Learning and Qualification Program (ALQP) provides Leaders and Managers with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. The ALQP builds on the competencies you have acquired in your job or professional work and/or the skills you may have as a parent or volunteer.
Extensive research with District Managers and Region Managers in Girl Guides Australia identified the main skills they needed to carry out these responsibilities and accountabilities:
- team building
- communication
- coaching
- supporting others
- prioritising and decision making
- problem-solving
- conflict management
- meeting management.
Last Modified: 27/06/23 at 6:47 PM