State Guide Organisations
The State Offices generally provide the following services and support to Leaders and Managers:
- advising on member related matters including database queries
- responding to membership enquiries, invoicing and receipting of membership payments and processing of membership applications
- processing of leadership applications, qualifications and appointments and monitoring currency of first aid and police/working with children checks for adult members
- processing award applications
- publishing resource material, newsletters, invitations to state events
- processing training/event applications and administering training activities and events such as conferences and camps
- selling uniforms, badges and handbooks etc.
- handling some property matters including queries, leases, tenancy agreements, approval for purchase, alterations or sale (varies across States)
- handling insurance matters including maintenance of insurance policies and insurance claims
- advising on accounting and audit matters
- assisting with grant applications
- disseminating information from the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Girl Guides Australia and other States
- developing promotional material and Guiding publicity for local use.
In addition to these direct services they liaise with non-Guiding bodies, for example other youth organisations, Government departments, Government House and community groups. The SGGOs implement decisions made at various committee meetings and ensure appropriate information is cascaded to Region Managers and beyond. They administer the State finances including payments, invoices, receipts and reconciliations.
The way these services are organised at State level differs but in broad terms there are teams responsible for: membership / administration, marketing / design/ PR, finance, property and merchandise / retail.
All States have a shop or retail unit which sells for example: formal and informal uniform items, books and publications on a range of Guiding related subjects, program resource materials, badges, souvenirs, certificates and gifts. Purchases can be made over the counter, by mail order, phone, fax or online. In addition most of the States operate a mobile shop.
Some States have a library or resource centre which contains books, magazines, ideas for programs and materials for activities. It may be possible to borrow outdoor equipment from State Offices or in larger States from within the Region. Check with your State to see what resources they have and how you can access them. Most States have an archivist and can make old uniforms and memorabilia available for displays and/or hire at special events. It may also be possible to request scanned copies of historical materials.
State Communication
Girl Guides Australia and each State / Territory website which contains all the information you will need. Each website has a public area and a member’s area which is accessible through log-in and password details.
In addition, GGA and each State / Territory has a Face Book page for Leaders, although currently some only operate for special events. All States are developing their social media presence and use of e-news.
Last Modified: 17/05/21 at 11:17 AM