Developing the Talent in your Team
Talent management is doing everything we can to create opportunities which continue to match the members’ interests and abilities. Take the time, maybe twice a year, to think strategically about your team and whether or not individuals are still in the right roles for themselves (and Guiding), whether there are Guides approaching 18 years or members of the Support Group who might be interested in assuming leadership roles. The options for leadership are flexible so it might be possible to move people into different positions, subject to them having the necessary qualification. Resource Leaders can have any leadership qualification.
You should support and encourage Junior Leaders working in your District and take an interest in their progress. As they are working on developing their leadership skills it is important they are placed in a Unit with experienced Leaders. Unit Leaders should assist as much as possible with resources and provide opportunities for the Junior Leader to put into practice what she has learned during her training. Junior Leaders must work under the supervision of a qualified Leader at all times.
The life circumstances of Leaders and Managers change from time to time. By developing an open and supportive relationship you will be able to stay abreast of their levels of commitment, capability and motivation and ensure their appointments remain the best fit for them.
Last Modified: 13/07/16 at 2:59 PM