Logo and Style Guide

Girl Guides Australia Logo

The Girl Guides Australia (GGA) logo is comprised of three parts. The first two parts are the Trefoil and the wording. These parts are essential. The third part, the State identity, is optional and is included beneath the GIRL GUIDES AUSTRALIA wording.

 Trefoil only - Australia logo.GIRL GUIDES
Part 1 – TrefoilPart 2 – wordingPart 3 – State identity (optional)

The Trefoil also includes the seven-pointed star which represents the Commonwealth Star on the Australian flag. The seven points of the Commonwealth Star represent the six States plus the Territories. It must always be used with the Trefoil.

The Girl Guide Australia logo without the State identity is used only for:

  • stationery, publications, badges, retail items, plaques, signage, promotional materials and clothing that are distributed nationally;
  • for the Girl Guides Australia website; or
  • for Australian contingents travelling overseas.

Primary Brandmark

Secondary Brandmark

Rotating the Logo

The Girl Guides Australia logo (Trefoil plus wording plus optional State identity) must not be rotated or utilised in part. However, it may be faded, toned down or used as a watermark.

Use of the Guide trefoil

The Guide Trefoil is a registered trademark of Girl Guides Australia.

The Trefoil may be used on its own for stationery, publications, badges, retail items, plaques, promotional signage and materials and clothing. However, for stationery, publications, promotional signage and materials and websites, the Girl Guides Australia logo (Trefoil plus wording plus optional State identity) must appear at least once.

When used on its own the Trefoil can be rotated, utilised in part or faded.

The Trefoil must not be distorted in any way.


The primary Trefoils are displayed in Girl Guides Australia’s colours; Guide Blue and Guide Yellow, with the reverse using white.

Choose a Trefoil best suited for legibility on your artwork.


The secondary Trefoil is available in all black, all white, all Guide Blue or any single colour that compliments the background. The star must be the same colour as the Trefoil.

The secondary Trefoil is to be used in applications where required or where the primary brandmark will not be legible.



Guide Blue and Guide Yellow are the brand colours.

Use of Girl Guide Branding, including Approvals

  • GGA branding, which includes the GGA Logo and Trefoil, can be used by all members of Girl Guiding in Australia on badges, resources to support Girl Guiding and event/camp apparel following approval by SGGOs.
  • GGA and/or SGGOs can use GGA branding for fundraising purposes including the application of the GGA Logo (with or without the State identity) or Trefoil to specific products.
  • No person, group or other entity affiliated to Girl Guides in Australia can create fundraising products or fundraise using the GGA Logo (with or without the State identity) or Trefoil.  This includes Leaders, Districts, Regions, Trefoil Guild, Peer Groups as examples.
  • Use of the GGA branding without a State identity requires approval from GGA. Approval requests must include how the Logo is to be used and the purpose and details of the suppliers producing the items.

Girl Guides Australia Brand Guidelines

Download the Leader’s Brand Guidelines

Last Modified: 09/11/21 at 12:46 PM