Trefoil Guild
Trefoil Guild
The purpose of a Trefoil Guild is to keep alive the spirit of the Promise and Law, carry this spirit into the community and to give support Guiding.
Australian Trefoil Guild Forms & Resources
Trefoil Guild – Girl Guides Australia
The Trefoil Guild is an integral part of Guiding but administered independently. Each guild is autonomous electing its own president, secretary and treasurer.
Trefoil Guilds may be formed at Australian, State, Region, Division or District level or any other grouping approved by the State Trefoil Guild Adviser.
Members are entitled to wear the Trefoil Guild Promise badge.
The Trefoil Guild adheres to Girl Guide principles and policy.
Trefoil Guild Membership
Membership is open to all female adults who have made the Guide Promise or Scout Promise anywhere in the world or are prepared to make the Guide Promise. Trefoil Guild members are members of their State Girl Guide Organisation.
Multiple membership enables a member to join more than one Trefoil Guild. They pay full membership to one Trefoil Guild in which they may hold office.
Life members may be appointed by a Trefoil Guild, which takes responsibility for life members’ membership fees.
Honorary members are those unable to continue active participation in a guild but adhere to the principle and wish to keep contact. No membership fees are payable for honorary members.
Finance and registration
Members receive a Trefoil Guild membership card, issued on re-affirmation of the Guide Promise and payment of the initial subscription.
The Trefoil Guild is financially self-supporting. It has no call on other Guide funds unless by specific decision of the Board of Girl Guides Australia or a State Executive/Board.
Trefoil Guilds are registered by the State Girl Guides Organisation. The appropriate District Manager or Commissioner must be informed of the registration.
Members pay an annual membership fee to their State Girl Guide Organisation.
The Australian Trefoil Guild Adviser is appointed by the Board of Girl Guides Australia on the recommendation of the State Trefoil Guild Advisers.
The Australian Trefoil Guild Adviser is one of the representatives of the Trefoil Guild in the National Scout and Guide Fellowship of Australia (NSGF).
State Trefoil Guild Advisers are appointed in their States according to State guidelines. A State Trefoil Guild Adviser’s term is three years with an option to extend for a maximum of a further one year.
Trefoil Guild members may wear optional Trefoil Guild dress at Guild meetings, International, Australian and State Gatherings and when service is given to Guiding and the community.
Members also have the option to wear the Girl Guide Australia uniform.
Fellowship of Former Scouts and Guides
Members of Trefoil Guilds, Baden-Powell Guilds and St George’s Guilds in Australia, and other bodies approved by Girl Guides Australia and Scouts Australia, are members of the National Scout and Guide Fellowship of Australia. Members are entitled to wear the Fellowship Badge.
The Australian Fellowship is administered by a National Joint Council of National Scout Guide Fellowship of Australia. The Council consists of representatives of Trefoil Guilds and Baden-Powell Guilds.
The National Scout and Guide Fellowship of Australia meets regularly. Meetings are held in one State over a period of three years. The National Scout and Guide Fellowship is a member body of the International Scout and Guide Fellowship. (ISGF)
Last Modified: 20/02/23 at 6:40 PM