The Guide Lines within this section refer to the activities connected with the Outdoors Program.
Refer to Camping Rules and Requirements for:
- Leader In Charge
- Safety Rules
- Adventure-based Activity Instructor
- Indoor Overnight Stay or Sleepover
- Camp and Expedition Modules
- Notification Forms Required
- Camps with Special Conditions – Camps Afloat, Interstate Camps, Camps for more than 50 participants, Overseas Camps
- Non-Member Children at Camp – Background, Procedures
Adventure-based Activities
An adventure-based activity is one which contains a significant element of risk to those taking part.
Girl Guides Australia requires the person in charge to have specific knowledge and skills relevant to the activity or to ensure that the instructors have such knowledge and skills.
The Leader in Charge must ensure:
- there is a qualified First Aider present at every adventure-based activity (the LiC may not also hold the role of First Aider)
- that safety rules are to be observed at all times and apply to all members. This can save lives and also protect members from litigation
- that if swimming is included as an activity refer to the lifesaving requirements
- an Activity Consent Form For Youth Members (ADM.27) is received from participants as required
- a Camp/Adventure-based/Event Application (OUT.01) is completed
- a Camp/Adventure-based/Event Report (OUT.03) is completed
- a Risk Assessment Plan for Outdoor Activities and Events and Camps (ADM 56B) is completed.
To obtain all these forms please visit Forms & Modules
Any queries please contact your State Outdoors Manager/ State Organisation
General Rules for all Adventure-based Activities
List of Activities Not Approved
Lifesaver and Lifejackets for Water Activities
List of lifesaving qualifications required for water activities
All Guiding activities on water must be carried out according to the current Lifejacket Standards:
Last Modified: 07/11/23 at 1:56 PM