Scouts Australia

Girl Guides Australia and Scouts Australia share a common background. However they are separate organisations.



Girl Guides Australia maintains close cooperation with Scouts Australia through the Australian and State Councils or Boards for Guiding and Scouting.

The following activities are encouraged:

  • practical cooperation and good relations at local levels;
  • shared activities – see below Guidelines for Shared Activities;
  • participation in an activity of either Organisation, conducted by that Organisation, but with joint planning from an early stage;
  • participation by invitation in an activity planned, organised and conducted by either Organisation;
  • joint training in specific subjects, with supervision by relevant Leaders/Managers of both Organisation; and
  • exchange of Trainers – approval of both Organisations is required.


Guidelines for shared activities

The guidelines below should be followed when combined with Scouts for an activity.

  • Invitations for shared activities may be from either Guide or Scout Organisations.
  • Both Organisations must agree to the activity and be involved from the beginning and throughout with all preparations and conduct of the activity.
  • The planning committee must agree on the objectives, organisation and budget for the activity.
  • Arrangements must comply with the relevant rules of both Girl Guides Australia and Scouts Australia. Publicity must show the activity is jointly organised.
  • Each Organisation is given an equal role in leadership of the activity.
  • A joint report and evaluation is required by each Organisation after the event.

A Camp/Adventure-based activity/Event Application Form (OUT.01) must be completed for all activities with other organisations, including Scouts.

For joint camps read the Camps with Special Conditions section of Camping Rules and Requirements.

Last Modified: 09/11/23 at 10:59 AM