Camping Rules and Requirements
A camping activity is one where the participants stay for at least one night at a Guide approved venue while participating in a program that has an outdoor focus. Girl Guides Australia requires the Leader-in-Charge of a camping activity to have specific knowledge and skills relevant to the type of camp being undertaken and to ensure Guide rules and regulations are met in relation to all activities.
All adults attending a camp, overnight camp or sleepover must meet the screening requirements of an Ongoing Volunteer under the Girl Guides Australia Child Safe Child Friendly Framework. Please refer to the CSCF Procedures for Element 3. Becoming a Volunteer.
For an overnight stay or sleepover refer to the section below ‘Indoor Overnight Stay or Sleepover’.
For Camp and Expedition Training Modules refer to the section below ‘Camp and Expedition Modules’.
Who can participate?
Open to all members.
Leader in Charge
All management responsibilities of the camp rest with the Leader-in-Charge.
The Leader-in-Charge of a camp must:
- be a Qualified Leader or Manager in Girl Guides Australia
- hold a Provide First Aid Certificate or equivalent
- hold the appropriate module in the Australian Learning & Qualification Program for the conduct of the camp; and be currently competent
- only hold one role at a camp – though First Aid qualified, their role is as LiC for this camp. Another First Aid qualified person must hold the role of First Aider at this camp.
A Leader/Manager is currently competent if:
- Your camp notification/application form is received in the required time frame before the camp or expedition
- You are the Leader in Charge of the same type of camp or expedition as the module
- Provide First Aid or equivalent certificate is current
- The Camp/Adventure-based/Event report form (OUT.03) endorsed by the District Manager, is received at State Office within one month of camp
- The endorsement due date will be extended by 3 years from the date of each appropriate camp or expedition for which you are the Leader-in-Charge.
Safety Rules
Safety rules apply to all members, at all times, and are to be strictly observed. This can save lives and also protect Leaders/Managers from litigation.
When Leaders are identifying, assessing and controlling risks associated with Camping activities an Risk Assessment Plan for Outdoor Activities (ADM.56b) should be completed.
In the event of an incident or accident, the LIC or Qualified Leader is required to complete the Girl Guide Incident Report and/and follow the media response plan here.
All adults attending a camp, overnight camp or sleepover must meet the screening requirements of an Ongoing Volunteer under the Girl Guides Australia Child Safe Child Friendly Framework. Please refer to the CSCF Procedures for Element 3. Becoming a Volunteer.
Venues for camps must be approved by the State Outdoor Activities Manager and may include campsites for outdoor camps, indoor accommodation centres, a house, non-residential school, private properties and national parks. A caravan tour or holiday afloat could also be suitable.
Supervision Required
Adult ratio varies according to the ages of the girls. See Ratios at a Glance.
Adventure-based Activity Instructor
Adventure-based activities on camp must be conducted by a Leader/Manager or expert qualified in the relevant activity, as listed in Adventure-based Activities. These qualifications must be valid at the time of the event.
Indoor Overnight Stay or Sleepover
For an indoor overnight stay or sleepover with reference to the Program Guide Lines:
- An overnight stay or sleepover must be held indoors and is when a Unit extends their program activity overnight, making use of an indoor Guide approved venue. If any part of the overnight stay or sleepover takes places outdoors then this is classed as an outdoor camp. The Leader-in-Charge of this activity must have the relevant camping module.
- A qualified Leader must be in attendance at all times and prior notification of the activity must be given to the District Manager.
- All adults attending an overnight stay or sleepover must meet the screening requirements of an Ongoing Volunteer under the Girl Guides Australia Child Safe Child Friendly Framework. Please refer to the CSCF Procedures for Element 3. Becoming a Volunteer.
- A Camp/Adventure-Based/Camp Application Form (OUT.01) must be completed prior to the event or activity.
A Camp/Adventure-based Report Form (OUT.03) must be completed after the event or activity.
- The duration of the overnight stay or sleepover must be less than 24 hours.
For Adult to Girl ratios, refer to Ratios at a Glance
Camp and Expedition Modules
Camping Requirements
A Leader with previous experience within or outside Guiding may apply to be assessed for the relevant module in the Australian Leadership and Qualification Program she believes is appropriate to her skills. A Leader who holds a recognized camping qualification in an outside organisation may apply for recognition of current competence within the appropriate module in the Australian Leadership and Qualification Program.
Adult Camps
Any activity undertaken as a member of Girl Guides requires all risk management protocols to be adhered to, including the completion of:
- Camp/Adventure-Based/Event Application Form (OUT.01)
- Camp/Adventure-Based/Event Report (OUT.03)
- Risk Assessment Plan for Outdoor Activities Events Camps (as necessary.)
The activity organiser should consider how she will have access to participant’s emergency contact details.
Your State organisation may have additional requirements, please check with the appropriate State personnel.
Modules in the Australian Leadership and Qualification Program that are appropriate for camping are:
- Conduct a Camp Module
- Conduct an Expedition Module
The requirements for these modules are outlined in the Australian Leadership and Qualification Program. The National Coordinator -Adult is responsible for the administration of the modules. The State Learning & Development Manager and the State Outdoor Activities Manager and their committees are jointly responsible for providing training for these modules.
Assessment for the appropriate modules are conducted by Outdoor Skills Assessors appointed by the State Outdoor Activities Manager.
An appointed Leader or Manager working towards an outdoor module in camping or expeditions may apply to the appropriate camping authority to run a practice camp provided that:
- she meets the entry competencies for the appropriate outdoor module in the Australian Learning and Qualification Program; and
- one member of staff holds the outdoor module applicable to the type of camp being undertaken.
The holder of an outdoor module applicable to the type of camp being undertaken may take girls from one Unit to camp or a combination of girls from more than one Unit under conditions relevant to the type of camp with the following exception.
Where the State has confirmed that a suitable Guide Leader-in-Charge is not available, the State can allow an expedition as an adventure-based activity rather than a camp. For the expedition to be allowed as an adventure based activity, the Leader-in-Charge must hold the module, Conduct a Camp – all modules can be found HERE – at a Bush Campsite and meet the requirements of an adventure-based activity. The Leader-in-Charge sources an appropriate non-Guiding instructor, whether individual or company, who has specific knowledge and skills in running expeditions and meets the relevant insurance obligations of an adventure activity provider. This instructor must be approved by the State. The Leader-in-Charge is to remain responsible for all members participating in this activity at all times.
Notification Forms Required
Leader-in-Charge to complete and forward to District Manager:
- Camp/Adventure-based/Event Application (OUT.01)
- Risk Management Plan (ADM56b) (one plan for all camp activities including adventure activities)
Leader-in-Charge must receive from each participant:
Camps with Special Conditions
These camps could include group camps, camps for girls with special needs, camps where girls with special needs are included, camps afloat, interstate and overseas camps, touring within the State and camping with boys.
When a camp with special conditions is considered, consultation should take place with the relevant State Outdoor Activities Manager and other Managers concerned.
All other safety rules still apply.
Camps afloat
Additional rules:
- All vessels must be approved by the State Outdoor Activities Manager.
- With vessels not owned by Guide Organisation, the owner’s insurance must be appropriate and adequate.
Category A
- A cruising vessel for charter by a party where the owners or other qualified person appointed by the owner sails with the vessel and takes responsibility for those on board.
Category B
- A vessel owned by the Unit, District, Region or State or available for hire where the owner does not sail with the vessel.
- Restrict to inland waterways.
- One of the party holds the appropriate boating qualifications.
Category C
- A moored craft or houseboat.
- One of the party holds the appropriate boating qualifications if the boat is to be unmoored.
Category D
- Overnight expeditions using water craft.
- The Leader-in-Charge must be a member of a State Girl Guide Organisation.
- One of the party holds the appropriate boating qualification.
Interstate camps
Additional rules:
- The Leader-in-Charge discusses the proposal with the District Manager and appropriate outdoor personnel prior to making any definite arrangements.
- Application is made in sufficient time to the State Executive / Board through the District Manager and the State Outdoor Activities Manager.
- The State to be visited is informed by the State Executive Officer.
- Participants should have had previous camping experience and have been a Guide for not less than six months.
- Camps held just over a State border for members living near the border are considered to be normal Unit camps and are treated as such.
Joint camping with boys
Additional rules:
- The Leader-in-Charge must be an experienced Leader/Manger and have assisted in the organisation of other girl and boy activities.
- An adult Leader/Manager from each organisation must attend (mixed Units must have male and female Leaders).
- The camp is approved by the officials of the other youth organisation concerned.
- There is to be a definite program of mixed activities which have been jointly planned.
- Adequate separate arrangement for girls and boys for sleeping and sanitation are to be available on-site.
Where possible, the groups should know other and the request for the camp come from them.
Camps for more than 50 participants
Additional rule:
- Permission must be obtained from the State Outdoor Activities Manager.
Recommendations: The ratio of adults to girls may be changed at the discretion of the State Outdoor Activities Manager. See Ratios at a Glance.
Overseas camps
Additional rules:
- The Leader-in-Charge discusses the proposal with the District Manager, State Outdoor Activities Manager and State International Manager prior to making any definite arrangements.
- Applications for international events (including overseas camps and sessions and events at World Centres) must be aged at least 14 years at the time of the event.
- Guide members travelling overseas as part of an independently arranged trip approved by Girl Guides Australia must also be aged at least 14 years at the time of the event.
- Variations to the age restrictions for international events or independently arranged trips approved by Girl Guides Australia may be considered in consultations with the National Coordinator – International for Girl Guides Australia and Chief Commissioner on a case by case basis.
- For joint camping with boys refer to the rules for Joint Camping with Boys.
- Application is made to the State Executive/Board, State Outdoor Activities Manager and State International Manager, through the District Manager. These people are to be kept informed of all arrangements.
- The State International Manager forwards the application to the National Coordinator – International for approval.
- The National Coordinator – International will seek permission from the overseas country or countries and advise the State International Manager when permission has been received.
- A Unit should have been functioning for at least two years before travelling overseas, unless all those in the contingent have been members of the Movement for at least two years.
- Members of a contingent attending camps and youth hostels need to have had the relevant camping experience.
Non-member Children at Camp
This policy includes all children who are in attendance at any camp, sleepover, or other residential event.
Girls over 5 years of age who attend a residential event must be a member of a State Girl Guide organisation.
Girl Guides Australia strongly discourages the attendance of non-member children at Girl Guide camps but recognises that circumstances may arise in which the only alternative to having a non-member child at camp is the cancellation of the camp. Where a non-member child over 5 years of age needs to attend a residential camp in these circumstances, a designated carer is required as per below. The non-member child is to have accommodation and program separate from the residential program for the Guides.
Boys over 5 years of age are not to attend a residential event as a participant in the camp unless they are part of a shared activity or a camp with special conditions.
Children under 5 years of age must have a designated adult carer (over 18 years of age) who will be responsible for said child(ren). This carer cannot be responsible for more than three children under five years of age. The carer must comply with Girl Guides Australia Child Safe Child Friendly Framework. This carer must not be counted in the ratio of adults to Guides required for the event and may not be the Leader-in-Charge or a listed staff member.
The Leader-in-Charge of the camp must consult and have the agreement of other camp staff members about the attendance of non-member children.
The Leader-in-Charge of the camp must also inform the Guide and their parents/guardians about the attendance of non-member children.
The Leader-in-Charge of the camp must include in their camp application:
- the need for the non-member child(ren) to attend the camp;
- the circumstances in which this need arises;
- the supervisory arrangements for that child(ren) during the camp.
The Leader-in-Charge must have received the approval of the Outdoors Manager for the attendance of the non-member child at the camp before the event.
For the attendance of boys over 5 years of age at camp refer above to Guidelines for Shared Activities and to Camps with Special Conditions.
Last Modified: 23/09/22 at 2:20 PM