Ratios At A Glance

Supervision Ratios

Leaders Printable Version: Guidance Note – Supervision Ratios

Girl Guiding in Australia is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all Guides, Volunteers and Employees.

It is important to consider the supervision ratios of adults to Youth Members when planning any Guiding activity.

Adult to Youth Member ratios vary according to the ages of the girls and the results of any risk assessment undertaken for the activity.  There are some specific rules applicable for some activities including for members with additional needs, international travel, swimming and boating activities.

The table below identifies the number of adults required for different Girl Guide activities.

 Routine/Predictable                                              Non-Routine/Irregular
Unit level including meetingsCamps and SleepoversAdventure-based activities including swimming On water activities
5 –  9

Minimum 2 adults including 1 qualified Leader


Minimum 3 adults including 1 qualified Leader


Minimum 2 adults including 1 qualified Leader


Minimum 3 adults including 1 qualified Leader

9 – 14


Minimum 2 adults including 1 qualified Leader


Minimum 3 adults including 1 qualified Leader


Minimum 2 adults including 1 qualified Leader


Minimum 3 adults including 1 qualified Leader

14 – 17

Minimum 2 adults including 1 qualified Leader


Minimum 2 adults including 1 qualified Leader


Minimum 2 adults including 1 qualified Leader


Minimum 2 adults including 1 qualified Leader

Forms required for camps, sleepovers and adventure-based activities include:

  • Activity Consent & Health Form for Youth Members (ADM.27)
  • Risk Assessment Plan for Outdoor Activities (ADM.56b)
  • Camp / Adventure-based Event Application Form (OUT.01)
  • Camp / Adventure-based Event Report (OUT.03)

Additional Information

1. ‘Qualified Leader’ refers to the Unit Leader / Leader-in-Charge who is to manage all risks, including health, behavioural and environmental factors, which may require compliance that adult numbers are increased.

2. For activities with girls of a range of ages the ratios should be adjusted as appropriate. The needs of the youngest girls should be given the highest consideration.

3. Supervision ratios for activities, including camping and other such activities must be adjusted depending on the level of demonstrated need e.g., for girls with a verified impairment, visual, hearing, physical or intellectual, the level of care must be adjusted depending upon the demonstrated level of need. An increase in the ratio of adults to Youth Members may be necessary. Leaders organising the activity should also refer to the Activity Manual for information on specific activities.

4. Please refer to Guide Lines for specific rules as applicable, including for members with special needs, international travel, lifesavers and boating.

5. A Junior Leader can be a member of staff but is NOT counted as part of the adult ratio. She is to always work under the supervision of a qualified Leader and is not to be left as the sole supervisor of Youth Members.  A Junior Leader is counted as part of the youth ratios.

6. When males are present at a camp/activity, the Leader-in-Charge is to ensure:

  • Parents/Guardians are notified that a male/s will be staying overnight
  • All members will be told that the male/s are camping separately
  • Bathroom and sleeping facilities will not be shared by Youth Members with adults
  • That a female Leader is in attendance at all times

7.  Males can be used to fulfill ratio levels as activity leaders in adventure-based activities or as skilled instructors for specific events.  Males could also be involved as parent helpers from time to time, however there must always be a minimum of two female adults when males are present.

8. Best practices will be followed.

Last Modified: 30/12/21 at 2:04 PM