Good Service Awards – Badges

BoroniaUnit DistrictMetal Badge, Certificate and Citation

The Boronia: Silver bar with a maroon edged lozenge depicting a pink boronia on a cream background.

BanksiaUnit District RegionMetal Badge, Certificate and Citation

The Banksia: Silver bar with green edged lozenge depicting a banksia on a cream background.

Bar to Banksia has a Green Bar

WattleUnit District Region StateMetal Badge, Certificate and Citation

The Wattle: Gold bar with a blue edged lozenge depicting a wattle on a green background.

Bar to Wattle has a Green Bar

Flowering GumTo include work in a Region or StateMetal Badge, Certificate and Citation

The Flowering Gum: Gold bar with a green edged lozenge depicting a flowering gum on a cream background

Bar to Flowering Gum has a Green Bar

EmuTo include work in State or NationallyMetal Badge, Certificate and Citation

The Emu: Gold bar with a navy edged circle depicting an emu on a cream background

Bar to Emu has a Navy Bar

Grey KangarooTo include work in State or NationallyMetal Badge, Certificate and Citation

The Grey Kangaroo: Gold bar with a navy edged circle depicting a Grey Kangaroo in a gold/yellow colour on a cream background

Red KangarooTo include work Nationally or within WAGGGSMetal Badge, Certificate and Citation

The Red Kangaroo: Gold bar with a navy edged circle depicting a Red Kangaroo in a gold colour on a green background

Silver KangarooTo include work within WAGGGSMetal Badge, Certificate and Citation

Silver Kangaroo: Silver bar with silver coloured kangaroo in a silver circle


Last Modified: 26/09/22 at 11:09 AM