Finance & Risk

Financial Overview

Girl Guides Australia is responsible for raising and managing its own funding. Contributions from State Girl Guide Organisations are made on a membership basis.

Fund raising

Guides must comply with National and State laws and accounting procedures with regard to raising money. Refer to the relevant State Girl Guide Organisation for further information.


Girl Guides Australia accepts appropriate grants from the government, trusts and other like bodies. Application for government and other grants is made in accordance with the Sponsorship Policy of Girl Guides Australia – see Sponsorship in Policies.


All property is vested in Girl Guides Australia or State Girl Guide Organisations and is administered by the body in which it is vested.

When a Unit is disbanded all property owned by the Unit is deemed to belong to the relevant State Girl Guide Organisation and is dealt with according to the State Constitution.

State Finance

The cost of State administration is met from annual subscriptions, donations, grants, income from fund raising activities and profit derived from Guide retail outlets.

All accounts, including specific event accounts, must be audited annually. The end of the financial year for all States is 31 December.

Refer to State Guide offices for further information on the operation of accounts, including the name of accounts, signatories and audit requirements.


Members of a Unit pay a subscription to Unit funds. The Unit Leader must keep an account of subscriptions made to Unit funds.

Members pay an annual membership fee to the State Girl Guide Organisation. The amount of this fee is set by the relevant State Executive/Board.

An annual membership fee is paid by each State Girl Guide Organisation to Girl Guides Australia. Additionally, States pay an amount to Girl Guides Australia based on the total number of members in each State. The amount paid to Girl Guides Australia is determined by the Board of Girl Guides Australia and based on the financial goals agreed to by the Board.

Membership fees cover membership of Girl Guides Australia and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

Last Modified: 26/09/22 at 12:18 PM