Members may approach local media according to the guidelines available from their State public relations department.
Statements to the print and electronic media relating to any issue or crisis situation in which Girl Guides Australia is implicated should be in accordance with the Media Response Plan below.
The senior manager of Girl Guides Australia should be notified of all requests for members to appear:
- in television commercials; or
- on radio or television shows (not interviews) which broadcast on national radio or television networks.
Media Response Plan
An emergency situation can be related to:
Issues: for example, discrimination, parent concerns or complaints about matters such as activities, our image or sponsorship; or
Incidents: for example, motor vehicle accidents, a group lost on an expedition, financial scandal, fire or national disaster.
These may result in a situation which:
- requires the need for medical or rescue operations;
- requires the need for immediate actions; or
- generates media interest, possibly adverse, and community concern.
When lives have been endangered or list, the role of members of Girl Guides Australia is to ensure that the Organisation is:
- professional, caring and concerned;
- actively practising risk management; and
- constantly assessing its procedures.
Any emergency situation must be dealt with according to the guidelines below. The guidelines have been produced to:
- give advice on suitable procedures;
- provide guidelines for media statements; and
- protect the good name and excellent safety record of Girl Guides Australia and its members.
Guidelines to be followed
- Assess each emergency to determine its current or potential degree of severity and any likelihood of media interest.
- Notify as soon as possible the relevant people at District, Division, Region and State level. The State Executive Officer must be informed immediately an incident attracts media attention.
- If at any time the Leader/Manager is unsure of policy, reference should be made to Division, Region or State personnel.
- Do not give media comment unless directed by the State office.
- Avoid statements which admit liability. Any questions related to fault should be answered as follows: ‘The matter is currently under investigation and we cannot comment on liability at this time’.
- Do not speculate as to what happened or who may be at fault. Instead, the following should be said ‘I cannot comment’ or ‘We will have to wait until the inquiry’.
- Do speak in personal terms, use positive examples to demonstrate action and response being taken. Keep calm and keep your answers straightforward and simple.
- Give every consideration and assistance to all concerned.
- Keep an accurate record of events as they occur and the names of those people involved through the duration of the issue or incident.
- If an inquiry is held, a State or national spokesperson will speak publicly on behalf of Girl Guides Australia.
- Do not attempt to address matters which should be handled by others and be careful not to blame others.
Last Modified: 29/07/21 at 4:21 PM