Australian Guide Program
The Australian Guide Program is based on shared leadership and decision-making at all ages. Girls plan and participate in activities facilitated by a Leader.
The aim of the Australian Guide Program is to facilitate a broad program that recognises participation, effort, achievement, ability, and service (by individuals and groups), which is not competitive. Girls initiate involvement, and self-development and self-confidence are facilitated in a cooperative environment.
Program and Method
The Australian Guide Program is a values-based, leadership and life skills program with an outdoors focus.
It involves Guides and Leaders working together to carry out challenges and activities based on the four elements and seven fundamentals of the Australian Guide Program.
Girls grow into confident, self-respecting, responsible community members through challenges, recognition, fun, and friendship.
Programs – Girl Guides Australia
Program Resources – Girl Guides Australia
Elements of the Australian Guide Program
The Australian Guide Program encourages the girl to develop herself in the areas of physical development, practical skills, and relationships with people.
- Physical – participating actively; focussing on the environment and the outdoors.
- People – making friends and developing long-lasting friendships, developing an understanding and respect for others.
- Practical – learning by doing; learning everyday living skills that can be integrated with all areas of life.
- Self-development and appreciation of the individual; gaining personal growth through challenges the girl as an individual.
Fundamentals of the Australian Guide Program
The seven fundamental areas of Girl Guiding form the basis of the Program upon which Unit meetings are developed and implemented.
- keeping the Girl Guide Promise and Guide Law is our underlying code of living.
- enjoying the outdoors offers active adventure and awareness of the environment.
- giving service encourages a sense of community.
- exploring how World Guiding builds peace and understanding.
- sharing in Girl Guiding traditions gives a sense of history and belonging.
- experiencing leadership development improves skills for life.
- participating in the Patrol System develops teamwork skills.
The philosophy of the Program is based on the importance of the process used in working towards an outcome, rather than on the activity itself. When Girl Guides plan their own Unit meetings, they gain confidence in choosing to suit their needs and learn the importance of self-determination.
Girl Guide/Girl Scout Method
The Australian Guide Program follows the Girl Guide/Girl Scout Method of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. This unique approach combines the use of different educational tools in order to achieve the educational aim of Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting; to contribute to the development of the full potential and a harmonised personal identity of each individual. The Girl Guide Method is defined by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.
- Learning in small groups to support each other, negotiate, make democratic decisions, assert our needs, solve problems together, take the lead
- At the pace and through a pathway that is determined by the girl to respect individuals, make our own choices, learn in the best way for us, value our achievements, collaborate not compete, be confident
- Learning by doing to take on challenges, learn through experience, take risks, make mistakes, get involved, pay attention
- Connecting with others to value others, appreciate diversity, listen, connect, make a difference, develop empathy, communicate
- Connecting with the world to be active citizens, get our hands dirty, enjoy the outdoors, get involved in our community, speak out for change, pay attention to the wider world
For more information, refer to the WAGGGS Educational Programme Guidelines or the WAGGGS website.
Recognition of Achievement
Each girl who works towards an award is recognised at the level of her abilities. Recognition may be by the girl herself, other members of the Unit, or by the girl through discussion with her Leader. Girl Guides can work towards the peak achievement award, the Queen’s Guide Award.
A range of interest achievements is available for girls to challenge themselves as individuals or as part of a group.
Where appropriate, qualifications for youth and adult members of Girl Guides Australia are linked to nationally accredited industry-based training packages.
Ceremonies bring a sense of belonging and their use is encouraged. Units may create their own ceremonies and traditions.
Girl Guide Promise ceremonies and award ceremonies
A girl decides in consultation with her Leader when she will make or renew her Girl Guide Promise.
An adult who has made her Girl Guide Promise as a Youth Member is encouraged to renew it at an appropriate time.
Any Adult Member of a State Girl Guide Organisation who has made the Girl Guide Promise may conduct a Girl Guide Promise ceremony or award ceremony.
Flags may be carried and used in ceremonies. When used they should progress in the following order:
- Australian National Flag
- State/Territory Flag
- Australian Aboriginal Flag
- Torres Strait Islander Flag
- The recognised Flag of a country
- World Flag
- Unit Flag – the World Flag inscribed with the name of the Unit;
- Unit Flag or pennant (not used in formal ceremonies); and
- The respective Australian, State, or local Standard accompanying the Chief Commissioner, State Commissioner, or Region Manager.
When the flags are placed in a stand or flown from poles, the Australian flag is always on the left (as you face them) of the World Flag.
A Standard is a large tapering flag. In Girl Guiding, a Standard signifies an official position such as Chief Commissioner or State Commissioner. Standards are used at functions where the person whose position it signifies is present. The protocol for carrying Standards is available from State Girl Guide Organisations.
The Girl Guide Sign
The Girl Guide Sign may be used on the following occasions by all members who have made the Girl Guide Promise:
- at a Girl Guide Promise ceremony, an award ceremony or a Promise renewal;
- during the playing or singing of the National Anthem when in uniform at a Girl Guide or Scout event except if the event is in a church: or
- when colours are brought on, taken off, broken, or lowered with ceremony at a Girl Guide or Scout function.
- The Girl Guide Sign is not used in a church service even for a Girl Guide or Scout event.
Guides’ Own
A Guides’ Own is a time of reflection acceptable to all faiths. It is planned and conducted by Girl Guides of any age.
Last Modified: 09/11/23 at 4:30 PM