Risks Associated with Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare
First Aid
Minimising risk due to accidents, hazards, and illness depends on having properly trained volunteers, adequate first aid kits, and appropriate authorisations for medication. Girl Guides Australia has determined the appropriate First Aid qualifications for Leaders and Managers as follows:
- Unit Leaders, Assistant Unit Leaders, District Managers, Assistant District Managers, Region Managers, and Assistant Region Managers – Provide Basic Emergency Life Support (PBELS) – theory and practical (CPR) assessment
- Leaders holding Outdoor Modules – Provide First Aid.
If a Leader or Manager is unable to complete the practical assessment of a first aid qualification, due to physical challenges or disability, an application for an exemption from the practical assessment element may be applied for from their Region Manager or State Commissioner. Guidance on the conditions relating to exemptions from physical assessments is available from State offices.
The holders of full PBELS and Provide First Aid qualifications should refresh the CPR element annually; this might usefully be included in a District Meeting agenda or Region / District training event. The theory element should be updated every three years. The State Offices undertake currency checks to establish when first aid, police checks working with children checks, etc. need to be renewed. Reports from the State Office or database to show will show which of your Leaders / Managers no longer have currency.
Each State and Territory has different requirements for first aid kits which can be checked on the websites of St John’s and the Red Cross or the website of Safework Australia. When you visit a meeting place, if it’s appropriate, you can always do a spot check of the First Aid kit. In each Unit, a Guide or Leader should ensure the kit is fully stocked and all items are within use-by dates.
Incident and Accident Notifications
All forms can be found here; if the form is not available please get in touch with your State Girl Guiding Organisation.
The Public Liability Policy requires that all incidents and accidents (but not simple ‘band-aid’ accidents) are reported to the State Office as soon as possible.
If an incident or accident does occur, the Leaders need to promptly inform the District Manager (or Region Manager) and complete the Girl Guide Incident Form.
In the event of an accident, where it is unlikely that further medical treatment will be required, members are required to complete a First Aid Treatment Record (ADM.53b).
Emergency Management and Prevention
All Leaders and Unit Helpers must be prepared for any emergency whether it is a minor incident at the meeting place or a major accident on camp. Encourage Leaders to develop their emergency management plan to suit their circumstances, for example, by including local phone numbers. This plan could take the form of a checklist or flow chart but should be short and easy to follow in a stressful situation. All Leaders and Unit Helpers should have a copy of the plan and it should be prominently displayed in the meeting place.
Crisis support and counselling is a highly specialised area and Leaders should only work within their understanding and training in this area. If any members come to you for help with anxiety or stress after an emergency or incident, contact the State Commissioner as soon as possible.
Last Modified: 27/06/23 at 3:37 PM