Managing Performance and Suitability Concerns
Sometimes Leaders will need to move on because they are no longer physically capable of performing the role or maybe they are experiencing psychological or emotional problems. This can be a very difficult time as often they will want to hold onto their Guiding persona. For nine out of ten women we know that ‘Guiding enables them to give of their best.’ This means women resigning their appointments can experience the same kind of grief many people experience when they retire at the end of their working lives. To care for these women means treating them with respect and dignity and encouraging the local Trefoil Guild to go out of their way to include them.
It might be that the appointment has outgrown them and they are no longer in touch with the girls. Where Leaders no longer appear to be effective its critically important to spend time initially observing the Unit, how it functions for the girls and the leadership team. If your concerns are justified you must speak to the Leader about them and make sure she is clear of your expectations. It may be that she might respond to coaching or advice – perhaps exposing her to other Units or changing the composition of the leadership team or some training. However if there is no improvement in performance you will need to discuss next steps with your own Manager.
Whenever you have any concerns about the suitability of a Leader, including doubts about them working with children, discuss them with your own Manager. Often it’s difficult to put your finger on the issue as it may be a feeling or even rumours of incidents outside Guiding. By discussing in confidence with your own Manager, you will be able to agree a sensitive way forward. Difficult or complex situations may require consultation with your State Commissioner.
Last Modified: 13/07/16 at 3:14 PM