District Annual General Meeting
Where there is a Support Group it is their responsibility, in consultation with the District Manager, to convene the District Annual General Meeting (AGM) within three months (four months in NSW & ACT and Tasmania) of the end of the Guiding financial year which is December 31st.
In deciding the date for the AGM you must be sure you will have had your accounts audited (in NSW & ACT only the District accounts) and ideally have been able to secure nominations for Support Group office bearers. The AGM is open to all members of the District and the public. The District Annual General Meeting is the opportunity to showcase Guiding in the District.
Although a number of decisions must be made, the flavour of the meeting should be informative, interesting and celebratory. Think through well in advance what might best showcase Guiding and keep the audience engaged. Sometimes rather than having a guest speaker, the girls might put on some kind of performance, provide entertainment or make a presentation. If the Units are going to be the attraction discuss with the Leaders in advance so they can plan the item with the girls.
The agenda is fairly straightforward and you will be able to see the format from previous years or refer to the Support Group guidance within each State. The agenda will have two main areas – reports received from the office holders and the decisions required for the ongoing functioning of the Support Group.
The reports normally include:
- President / chair’s report summarising activities during the past year, an outline of targets for the coming year and thanks to all who have been involved.
- Treasurer’s report (accounts already audited and a copy placed on each chair).
- District Manager’s report reviewing District activities and particularly the contribution of Leaders including qualifications gained, training attended, appointments and any resignations.
- Unit reports showcasing Guiding in the District, but not a litany of the calendar or a travelogue of activities.
At the AGM the following actions take place:
- election of office bearers from nominations
- formal announcement of office bearers
- establishment of quorum for coming year
- setting of subscriptions for coming year.
The District Manager should network with the parents well ahead of the meeting to get volunteers for the key positions. However, if no nominations are presented in advance, it may come down to encouraging parents to stand at the meeting. (This is not the case in NSW & ACT where no-one can stand from the floor as a way of removing pressure from parents so they attend the AGM.) District Managers need to emphasise to the parents that in order to have a high quality experience for their girls Leaders need to spend their limited time with the Guides, not on fundraising for rent and insurance or doing all the other jobs required. Parents can be reminded that the reason fees are so low is because of the reliance on the Support Group to fundraise. Although some parents in wealthier areas may prefer a higher levy than fundraising through the Support Group, this means there will be less people from which to draw help and fewer potential Leaders and Managers. Ultimately it’s reasonable to suggest that Units may need to close if there is not a functioning Support Group to assist the District.
After the AGM submit the relevant report to your State Girl Guide Organisation and /or Region Manager.
Last Modified: 19/03/21 at 10:02 AM