The first thing to do in a new role is to set up a system for keeping records – it is time well spent. This will be in a format that works for you and could be a physical filing system or in electronic form. There is no right or wrong way. Current financial records should all be kept together. Once an audit is completed, these records must be stored for future reference. Have close at hand the files that you use frequently or that change often – eg membership lists, meeting times, minutes, correspondence.
Elizabeth Adnams, Girl Guides Victoria
A number of records need to be kept by District Managers and Region Managers. All official documents remain the property of the SGGO. The State Executive Officer has the right to call for the presentation of any document.
Membership forms are kept at the State Girl Guide Office. You should rely on the State database for personal records of members, including appointment details, qualifications, and training, rather than keeping your own version of these records.
If you store your own records digitally that will free up physical space, but ensure backup storage is on a separate device or use web backup. Any paper records must be kept dry, cool, and termite free.
The records the District Manager and Region Manager must keep are set out below. The Manager should regularly make arrangements for the records to be sent to State Offices for archived. The State Archivist can advise on how to maintain District and Region archives in an appropriate way.
- Minutes: (including relevant reports and annual reports) indefinitely.
- Correspondence: indefinitely. It is sufficient to keep digital copies.
- Financial records: books of account (for example cash books), cheque books, deposit books and receipt books –indefinitely
- Receipts: indefinitely.
- Waiver/indemnity forms (including camp): indefinitely
- Adult member health forms: indefinitely.
- Incident/accident forms: indefinitely.
- District log books/diaries: indefinitely.
Other information which might be held by the District Manager or Region Manager or other members of the Region team is set out below, although it will vary from Region to Region:
- contact information for all personnel (other personal information is accessible from the State database)
- key holders for all properties
- Learning Partners (including dates and details of Leaders or Managers assisted)
- Unit meeting details including venue, date and time, and Leaders
- bank accounts including bank, branch, account number, and signatories
- Support Group office bearers’ names and contact details
- loans and investments
- properties including ownership, lease agreements, and sub-letting agreements
- Units and Districts opened, recessed, or closed
- award nominations
- District annual reports.
In addition, records should be held of Region camps, activities, or events.
Last Modified: 27/06/23 at 3:08 PM