Categories of Membership
The categories of membership are defined in each State’s constitution. The Leader’s Handbook sets out the common membership categories and appointments. All members have a unique membership number that must be quoted on all forms.
Full membership is available to any female who has made the Promise, who is working toward making the Promise or who accepts the principles and beliefs of Guiding and who has paid the annual membership fee. Adult members are aged from 18 years and youth members are aged from five years to 17 years. Although a Guide is a member of a State Girl Guiding Organisation who has made the Guide Promise; the word ‘Guide’ in this Handbook is used to describe youth members.
Membership Transfers
When you receive a youth transfer form, discuss with the Unit Leaders and the girl’s family which Unit is the most appropriate for the girl. If a girl arrives from another District without a transfer form contact her previous District Manager to confirm her membership and request the form but do not hold up the girl’s placement while waiting for it.
If a Leader transfers to your District from within the Region no action is required, apart from updating the State database and providing relevant induction for new appointment. When transferring within the State the transfer form should be completed. When a Leader or Manager transfers interstate she needs to complete the transfer form and meet the relevant working with children and police checks for the new State. If she is already qualified under AALP or ALQP she does not need to undertake any further training. However, a Manager transferring may benefit from attending the Management Qualification training to ensure she is aware of State differences in managing finance and property etc. All Leaders and Managers transferring complete an induction for their new Unit/District/Region.
When a Leader resigns or moves to another position any equipment or resources held by her must be left with the Unit or District unless she has bought or developed them herself.
Membership Records
Unit Leaders are responsible for checking the membership records of their own Units and making amendments. From time to time the District Manager should also check the State membership database (or reports from it) to ensure the information is accurate and following up any outstanding memberships or queries with the Unit Leader. Any girl or adult participating in a camp/event, adventure activity or training (unless attending as staff member) must have paid her membership for the year. Length of membership is taken from the member’s original starting date.
Last Modified: 22/07/22 at 1:01 PM