Risk Appetite

Overall GGiA Risk Appetite Statement

GGA has an overall appetite to minimise/manage its risks. The GGA RMF is designed to accept that although GGiA’s activities may contain elements of risk, effective controls are in place and in operation to minimise the potential for harm or loss to the organisation or to its Constituents.

GGA has zero tolerance for risk in relation to a limited number of matters including:

  • fatalities within our scope of influence
  • serious injuries as a consequence of negligence
  • unacceptable behaviour including systemic bullying or culture of intimidation; and
  • unacceptable behaviour that impacts on the reputation and integrity of Girl Guiding in Australia.

GGA’s policy is to identify, and reduce or eliminate, risks to Youth Members, property, interests, and Adults in Guiding, and to minimise and contain the costs and consequences in the event of harmful or damaging incidents arising from those risks. GGA does not have unlimited tolerance to funding costs of risks, hence treatments should look to containment of costs through the management of risk.

GGiA’s Risk Appetite Statement (RAS) articulates:

  • The degree of risk that GGiA is prepared to accept in pursuit of its strategic objectives (Risk Appetite); and
  • For each major risk category, the maximum level of risk that GGiA is willing to operate within (Risk Tolerance).

The Risk Appetite sets the parameters within which management is expected to operate.

Risk Appetite Metrics

The overall risk appetite and Risk Appetite for major risk categories are based on the criteria in the table below.

Risk Appetite Metrics Table

AvoidGGiA has zero appetite for this risk. As such, it takes all reasonable measures to

avoid such risk events, ensuring that the control framework is robust, and the risk environment is consistently monitored and managed.


MinimiseGGiA has a low/moderate risk tolerance and as such is requiring the business to

take all reasonable measures to minimise exposure to the specific risk. Risk impacts must be kept to a minimum.

ManageGGiA has a moderate/high risk tolerance and as such is requiring close, active management of these activities, facilitating detailed control frameworks to be

established to maintain risk exposure to within pre-defined limits.

ExploitGGiA has a high tolerance for such risks. However, due diligence requirements must be adhered to, allowing appropriate risk/reward assessments to be


Risk Appetite for Major Risk Categories

GGA has identified eight major risk categories which cover the universe of risk faced by GGiA. The risk appetite for each of the major risk categories is specified in Table the table below.

Risk assessment and risk management will be applied across each of these broad risk categories, with all risks, as identified in various GGiA risk registers, enunciated within these risk categories. The detail required in the risk assessment will depend on the undertaking being assessed. The detail will also depend on the activity, strategy, operational area being assessed. For each assessment, consideration should be given to each of the above 8 risk categories.

GGiA’s major risk categories are:

  • Child Safe Child Friendly
  • Our People
  • Financial
  • Strategic
  • Guiding
  • Operations
  • Information Security and Technology
  • Governance and Regulatory

Risk Appetite for Major Risk Categories Table



Risk Appetite Description
Child Safe, Child FriendlyWe seek to avoid having children exposed to an unsafe physical or online environment, and/or situations where their

wellbeing is threatened.

Our PeopleWe seek to avoid having Adults in Guiding exposed to an unsafe physical or online environment, and/or situations where their wellbeing is threatened while participating in Girl Guiding.

We seek to avoid engaging with Adults in Guiding who are not equipped with role appropriate knowledge

and skills.

FinancialWe seek to minimise

financial risk but manage

financial opportunity.

StrategicWe seek to manage, and at times exploit, developing strategy and innovation

where it will advance our ability to empower girls and young women to discover their potential as leaders, and where it will improve our community


GuidingWe seek to manage providing the opportunities and activities for girls to discover new interests, develop their talents, and share the experience with

a group of friends.




Risk Appetite Description
OperationsWe seek to manage operational risk that could impact the business of


Information Security and TechnologyWe seek to avoid a security non-compliance leading to an unintended release of personal information of personal

identifiable data.

Governance and RegulatoryWe seek to avoid taking an action which results in a breach of legislation or regulation and/or impacts risk of insurance coverage. We seek to minimise any

governance-related risk.s

Last Modified: 16/08/24 at 2:49 PM