Child Safe Child Friendly Definitions and Abbreviations



Adults in Guiding Adult Members, Volunteers, and Employees.
Adult MemberAn adult member of Girl Guides Australia or a State Girl Guide Organisation is aged eighteen years or over, lives their life as a female and satisfies the other requirements for membership. All Adult Members are Ongoing Volunteers.
Australian Guide Program (AGP) The Australian Guide Program is a non-formal educational program based on shared leadership and decision-making at all ages.
Australian Leadership & Qualification Program (ALQP)The Australian Leadership & Qualification Program provides a learning pathway to Leadership, Management, and Training Qualifications. Each Qualification includes role-based activities, reading, and reflection exercises with additional support provided by a Mentor.
Casual VolunteerA person who volunteers with Girl Guiding in Australia on less than five occasions in any 12-month period at a Girl Guide activity where Youth Members are present when those occasions do not include any overnight stays or assistance that is likely to result in unsupervised access to Youth Members.
Child Safe Child Friendly (CSCF)Child Safe Child Friendly (CSCF) is a term used by GGA that encompasses a child-safe and child-friendly culture where children and young people are safe, respected, and protected.
Child Safe Child Friendly (CSCF) FrameworkThe Girl Guides Australia (GGA) Child Safe Child Friendly (CSCF) Framework provides an overview of how the National Child Safe Principles are embedded within all aspects of GGA and its Member State Girl Guide Organisations (SGGOs).
ComplaintA complaint is made by someone internal or external to GGiA and must be made in writing by completing the official Girl Guide Complaint Form. Please note all ‘grievances’ are considered ‘complaints’.
ConcernA concern is an issue that is usually resolved quickly, often at the first point of contact and on the spot.
eGuiding CSCF ModulesOnline training modules which have been developed to support Adults in Guiding understand their responsibilities under the GGA CSCF Framework.
EmployeeA person employed by Girl Guides Australia or a State Girl Guide Organisation.
Girl Guides Australia (GGA)The sole national representative of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) in Australia and is recognised by WAGGGS as its sole representative in Australia. It is a company limited by guarantee with a Constitution.
GGA BoardThe Board of Girl Guides Australia.
Girl Guiding in Australia (GGiA)The collective name for Girl Guides Australia and all the State Girl Guide Organisations.
Guide LinesGuide Lines for Girl Guides and Girl Guide Volunteers is an online library where the policies and procedures of Girl Guides Australia can be found. Guide Lines should be italicised when it is referenced.
LeaderUnit Leaders provide effective leadership to their Guide Unit and deliver the Australian Guide Program.

Assistant Unit Leaders support the Unit Team.

Outdoors Leaders facilitate and lead outdoor activities and camping.

ManagerDistrict Managers support and develop Leaders and facilitate the delivery of the Australian Guide Program in their District.

Region Managers support and develop Leaders and District Managers and facilitate the delivery of the Australian Guide Program in their Region.

Member Register The register or database that records the names of members of GGA and SGGOs.
National Police CheckA National Police Check (NPC) is a document that lists an individual’s disclosable court outcomes and pending charges sourced from the databases of all Australian police jurisdictions. Applications for an NPC can be made through the Police Service in the State you reside or through the Australian Federal Police if you reside in a Territory. Applications can also be made through an Australian Crime Intelligence Commission (ACIC) accredited body.

National Police Checks may also be referred to as:

·         National Police History Check (NPHC)

·         National Criminal History Check

·         National Criminal Record

·         National Criminal Record Check

Ongoing VolunteerA person who volunteers with Girl Guiding in Australia on five or more occasions in any 12-month period at a Girl Guide activity where Youth Members are present, for any overnight stay or who due to the nature of the assistance to be provided, is likely to come into contact with a Youth Member without being able to be supervised by an Adult Member of Girl Guides in accordance with the Supervision Ratio policy. An Adult Member is an Ongoing Volunteer.
Other WorkersA person doing paid or unpaid work for or on behalf of GGA or an SGGOs that is not an Adult in Guiding. This extends to contractors and placement/work experience students.
Privacy Principles There are 13 Australian Privacy Principles which are the cornerstone of the privacy protection framework in the Privacy Act 1988. They govern standards, rights, and obligations around privacy.
Public ActivityAny Girl Guide event which takes place in Public Spaces. Examples include Bunnings BBQ, fundraising cake stand at local event.
Public SpacesA space which is open and accessible to the general public at the time of the Girl Guide activity. Examples include local parks, shopping centres, local halls or activity centres.
Ratios/Supervision Ratios


Supervision ratios (adult-to-youth member ratios) vary according to the ages of the girls and the results of any risk assessment undertaken for the activity. Specific rules are applicable for some activities for members with additional needs, international travel, swimming, and boating activities.
Relevant CommissionerThe Girl Guides Australia Chief Commissioner if the issue relates to a GGA appointment or member or the State Commissioner of the SGGO for the State or Territory in which the person holds membership, volunteers or is employed.
SGGO Board The Board or other governing body of a State Girl Guide Organisation.
State Girl Guide Organisation (SGGO)The ‘State-based’ Girl Guide organisations within Australia. Namely:

·         Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT

·         Girl Guides Queensland

·         Girl Guides South Australia

·         Girl Guides Tasmania

·         Girl Guides Victoria

·         Girl Guides Western Australia.

SupervisorA supervisor is a person who provides leadership. It is role-dependent. In most cases, the supervisor will be a Manager or the Line Manager of an employee.

Example 1:

The supervisor of a Unit Leader, Assistant Unit Leader, and Unit Helper is usually the District Manager, or if there is no District Manager then the Region Manager or someone appointed by the relevant Region Manager.

Example 2:

The supervisor of a District Manager is usually the Region Manager. If there is no Region Manager, the relevant State Commissioner or her nominee.

Example 3:

The supervisor of a Region Manager is the relevant State Commissioner.

Example 4:

The supervisor of a Volunteer is an Adult Member appropriate for the particular volunteer role.

Example 5:

The supervisor of an Employee is the line manager, the CEO, or a person nominated by the CEO.

The Girl Guide Promise

(also referred to as the Guide Promise)

I promise that I will do my best

To be true to myself and develop my beliefs

To serve my community and Australia

And live by the Guide Law

The Guide LawAs a Guide, I will strive to:
Respect myself and others
Be considerate, honest and trustworthy
Be friendly to others
Make choices for a better world
Use my time and abilities wisely
Be thoughtful and optimistic
Live with courage and strength
VolunteerA person doing unpaid work for or on behalf of GGA or a SGGO. All Adult Members are volunteers.

There are two categories of Volunteer referenced in GGiA – Casual Volunteers and Ongoing Volunteer.

Whenever the term Volunteer is referenced on its own (i.e., without including Casual or Ongoing) it is always referring to Ongoing Volunteers.

WorkersAdults in Guiding and Other Workers.
Working With Children Check (WWCC)Working With Children Check means the checking process set out in the legislation in the state or territory in which a member resides, works and volunteers. Note: GGiA may require a person to hold a clear WWCC, i.e., a WWCC without conditions or restrictions, in circumstances where it may not be specifically required in the relevant State or Territory legislation. This contributes to the GGiA Child Safe Child Friendly Policy position and maintains parity between protection afforded to children across Australia.
Youth MemberCurrent financial member of a SGGO under 18 years of age



Last Modified: 15/11/24 at 9:33 AM