6. Supervision and Training of Employees
Girl Guiding in Australia (GGiA) is committed to providing all Employees with role appropriate supervision and training. GGiA acknowledges the importance of providing an environment where employees have the skills, knowledge and confidence to safeguard children.
All Employees will be actively supported and monitored by their supervisor; receive training opportunities appropriate to their roles.
All Employees will receive specific training with respect to expectations and obligations as outlined in the GGA Code of Conduct; and Girl Guide policies and procedures as applicable to their roles.
The procedures for supporting this policy are included below.
1. Supervision, Training, and Development
All Employees must be provided with supervision, training, and development in line with their role and responsibilities within GGiA.
While there are distinctions between the roles and responsibilities of Employees, GGiA is committed to providing supervision, training, and development to all Employees in an effective, transparent, fair, and ethical way.
2. The GGA People Management Framework
The GGA People Management Framework outlines how GGiA supports, encourages, and guides all Employees (and Adult Members and Volunteers) to successfully fulfil the requirements and expectation of their role.
3. Supervision
Supervision is where someone, usually a Manager, oversees the activities and performance of an Employee. The purpose is to allow individuals a safe space to reflect on, and receive supportive feedback about their own performance.
Supervision can be either formal or informal:
- Informal Supervision – refers to day-to-day conversations, feedback, and support provided by colleagues, including supervisors
- Formal Supervision – refers to structured and regular conversations, feedback, and support provided by a supervisor.
All Employees must be encouraged by their Manager to seek formal and informal supervision when needed, or if they feel their current supervision arrangements are insufficient.
4. Training and Development
Training is where an Employee is provided with opportunities to improve the skills, interests, and confidence required to adequately fulfil their role and responsibilities.
Development is where an Employee is provided with opportunities to develop new skills to allow them to change roles or take on additional or different responsibilities.
GGA and SGGOs will provide all Employees with clear information regarding mandatory training and development opportunities and give Employees sufficient time to engage and participate appropriately.
5. Performance Management
All Employees will, if required, be provided with performance management in line with their role and responsibilities within GGA or a SGGO.
Performance management is where there are concerns about an Employee’s job performance, and those concerns are formally recognised and addressed in a supportive manner.
When an Employee’s performance or practice breaches the GGA Code of Conduct, or the policies and procedures of GGA, a formal response may be warranted by means of a warning, a Performance Management Plan, or discontinuation as an Employee (see Element 5: Recruiting and Screening of Employees). Without limiting any other grounds for performance management, directions, termination of employment or any other management action, a breach of the GGA Code of Conduct or policies and procedures of GGA or the SGGO will also be considered grounds for such action.
To enable effective and consistent performance management, and the fostering of a positive organisational culture, GGA or the SGGO must ensure that:
- Clear and effective procedures for performance management are documented, communicated and accessible to all Employees
- Procedures for escalating and reporting serious misconduct, or behaviour that may compromise the safety of Youth or Adult Members, other Volunteers, or Employees are documented, communicated and accessible to all Employees
- All Employees in a leadership role receive adequate training and resources to conduct performance management processes as required.
6. Employee Assistance Program
In addition to receiving personal support from their supervisor (and other GGiA colleagues), Employees may have access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). An EAP is a program that can assist Employees experiencing personal and/or work-related problems that may be impacting their job performance or emotional wellbeing.
Girl Guiding Resources
Last Modified: 11/11/21 at 9:39 PM