4. Supervision and Training of Volunteers


Girl Guiding in Australia (GGiA) is committed to providing all Volunteers with role appropriate supervision and training. GGiA acknowledges the important role that skilled, confident volunteers play in safeguarding children.

All Volunteers that are not members will be supervised by an Adult Member. All Volunteers will be supported and monitored by their supervisor as appropriate to their role.

Adult Members and Ongoing Volunteers will be provided with opportunities for further development primarily through the Australian Leadership and Qualification Program (ALQP) or other relevant training programs.

All Volunteers will receive information with respect to expectations and obligations outlined in the GGA Code of Conduct; and Girl Guide policies and procedures.

All Adult Members will undertake specific Child Safe Child Friendly training appropriate to their role.

The procedures to support this policy are included below.

1. Volunteering – Definitions

There are different types of Volunteers – Casual and Ongoing Volunteers.  All Adult Members are Ongoing Volunteers (see Element 3: Recruiting and Screening Volunteers).

Whenever the term Volunteer is referenced on its own (i.e., without including Casual or Ongoing) it is always referring to Ongoing Volunteers.

2. Supervision, Training, and Development

All Volunteers (including Casual Volunteers) are provided with supervision in line with their role and responsibilities.

Training and development opportunities are provided to Adult Members.

3. The GGA People Management Framework

The GGA People Management Framework outlines how GGiA can support, encourage and supervise all Volunteers to successfully fulfil the requirements and expectation of their role.

4. Supervision

Supervision is where someone, usually a supervisor, supports and monitors the activities and performance of a Volunteer (including a Casual Volunteer).

The type of supervision will depend on the nature of the Volunteer role.

  • Casual Volunteers and Ongoing Volunteers must be supervised by an Adult Member when Youth Members are present.
  • Ongoing Volunteers and Adult Members must comply with the Supervision Ratios requirements (refer Element 10, clause 1)  when Youth Members are present.

All Volunteers must be encouraged by their supervisor to seek supervision if they feel their current supervision arrangements are insufficient.

The supervisor of a Leader is usually the District Manager; the supervisor of a District Manager is usually the Region Manager and the supervisor of the Region Manager is usually the State Commissioner.

5. Training and Development of Adult Members

All Adult Members are provided with opportunities for training to improve their skills, interests, and confidence required to adequately fulfil their role and responsibilities.

Development is provided to Adult Members and provides opportunities to develop new skills to allow them to change roles or take on additional or different responsibilities.

Training and development must be appropriate to the role of the Adult Member and may include the following elements dependent upon the role:

  • Guiding
  • The organisation
  • Organisational culture
  • Governance.

Some training will be mandatory so that legislative and best practice requirements are met and in line with the commitment of GGiA to being a Child Safe Child Friendly organisation, and others will be optional based on individual roles and responsibilities.

6. Training and Development: Guiding

Training and development of Adult Members to fulfil a role within GGiA is detailed in the current Australian Leadership and Qualification Program (ALQP). The ALQP is a structured program that provides a learning path to the Leadership, Management and Training Qualifications for leadership roles within GGiA. The ALQP may be supplemented by additional training and development in the Child Safe Child Friendly area to maintain contemporary best practice training and development.

Leaders and Managers have six months from commencing in their role to complete a further eGuiding module CSCF for Leaders & Managers. This module is found on the eGuiding learning platform and is included in the ALQP requirements for all Leaders and Managers. Modified delivery of the eGuiding modules (e.g., a group session with a facilitator working through the eGuiding module) can be approved by an SGGO on an individual basis.

The ALQP also equips Adult Members with the skills to facilitate the delivery of the  Australian Guide Program (AGP). The AGP is an integral part of GGiA being a Child Safe Child Friendly organisation.

Training and resources are provided to Adult Members in relation to:

  • Guiding membership
  • Leadership
  • Activities and events.

7. Training and Development: The Organisation

The training and development required for Adult Members to effectively manage Girl Guiding is tailored for specific roles and includes information regarding:

  • Recruitment and screening
  • Induction
  • Supervision and performance management
  • Risk management
  • Internal investigations
  • Data collection

8. Training and Development: Organisational Culture

Adult Members will also have opportunities for training and development to support them to facilitate a safe and welcoming culture within Girl Guiding that promotes the rights of children and young people, and adheres to the Girl Guide Promise, the Guide Law, and the GGA Code of Conduct.

The training and development areas covered include:

  • Understanding the GGA Code of Conduct and the policies and procedures of GGA
  • Child Safe Child Friendly practice
  • Rights of the child
  • Participation of Youth Members
  • Recognising and responding to abuse and neglect
  • Diversity and inclusion

9. Training and Development: Governance

Adult Members will have access to training and development to enable them to support the governance of GGiA as required.

Governance training and development includes:

  • Effective board and committee membership and duties
  • Risk management
  • Media and relations
  • Financial operations.

10. Performance Management

Performance management is where there are concerns about a Volunteer’s job performance, and those concerns are formally recognised and addressed in a supportive manner. All Volunteers may be performance managed in line with their role and responsibility within GGiA.

When a Volunteer’s performance or practice is in breach of the GGA Code of Conduct, or the policies and procedures of GGA, a formal response may be warranted by means of a warning, a Performance Management Plan, or discontinuation as a Volunteer (and cancellation of membership for a Member).

To enable effective and consistent performance management, and the fostering of a positive organisational culture, the GGA People Performance Management Framework is to be followed.

Complaints about behaviour that breaches the GGA Code of Conduct or the policies and procedures of GGA or in any way compromises the safety of Members, Volunteers or Employees ares to be addressed in the manner set out in Procedures for Element 9 – Responding to Feedback, Concerns and Complaints and the GGA Complaint Resolution and Investigation process.

11. Employee Assistance Program

In addition to receiving personal support from their supervisor (and other GGiA colleagues), all Members, Volunteers, and Employees may have access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and/or confidential counselling support for anything related to their role within Guiding.

An EAP is a program that can assist Members, Volunteers, and Employees experiencing Guiding related problems that may be impacting on their job performance or emotional wellbeing.

SGGOs should be contacted to provide the contact details for this service.

Girl Guiding Resources

CSCF for Adults in Guiding – refer eGuiding learning platform

CSCF for Leaders & Managers – refer eGuiding learning platform

Australian Guide Program

Australian Leadership and Qualification Program (ALQP)

GGA People Management Framework

GGA Supervision Ratios

Last Modified: 07/08/22 at 6:29 PM