- Gadgets
- Rope bridges
- Transporters
- Gate ways
Pioneering can be used for constructing small items such as camp gadgets up to larger structures such as bridges and towers. These may be recreational, decorative, or functional. Pioneering is used to teach practical skills, teamwork and problem solving. It is widely used in Scouting and Girl Guiding.
Who Can Participate
- Open to all.
- Some Activity Providers may have additional age or height restrictions.
Safety Rules
- Minimal Impact Practices Guidelines must be adhered too.
- Should there be inclement weather the LiC will decide if the activity should be postponed or cancelled.
- If you have never participated or built pioneering structures previously complete an ADM.56 Risk Management Plan.
- If this is this a routine and predictable activity for your unit? – ask the 3 Questions
- What are we about to do? (activity)
- What can go wrong? (hazard)
- What can I do to make it safe? (control measure)
Supervision Requirements
Refer to Girl Guides Australia Ratios at a Glance
Leader in Charge
- The LiC must ensure that all participants are informed of appropriate clothing and/or personal equipment prior to the activity.
- The LiC must organise and
- collect the ADM.27 from youth members and ADM.28 from adults if activity is away from the Guide Hall/Hut. The LiC must inform the Activity Instructor of any health conditions or behaviour issues with participants.
- The LiC must have an appropriate first aid kit and emergency equipment suitable for the activity present at the activity venue.
- The LiC must ensure participants have water and food appropriate to the activity.
- The LiC is responsible for all participants when they are not participating in the activity.
Notification Forms Required
For Approval – Prior to the Activity
- ADM.56B Risk Assessment Plan for Outdoor Activities Events Camps
- The Activity Provider’s Risk Management Plan
At the Activity
- Girl Guide Incident Report
Last Modified: 10/09/22 at 12:31 AM