Volunteer Policy
Girl Guides Australia is committed to working towards compliance with the National Standards for Involving Volunteers as set out by Volunteering Australia.
Girl Guides Australia or a State Girl Guide Organisation has the right to ask any volunteer to discontinue their role either as a volunteer for the Organisation or in a particular volunteer role.
Every volunteer has the right to cease volunteering within the Organisation.
Girl Guides Australia (GGA) is one of the largest Organisations in Australia for girls and young women. It provides leadership and personal skills development to its 30,000 Members, including 22,000 youth Members. Our mission is to empower girls and young women to discover their potential as leaders of their world.
We provide a non-formal educational program that is a dynamic, flexible and values based learning and development in life skills, decision making and leadership.
Girl Guides Australia is a not-for-profit Organisation that involves volunteers at all levels of its operations. We are committed to working towards compliance with the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement in Not-for-profit Organisations and adhere to the Australian definition, principles and model code of practice for involving volunteers.
Girl Guides Australia involves volunteers in its work to enable our Members to gain maximum benefit from the unique knowledge and skills volunteers are able to offer.
Girl Guides Australia will promote and protect the rights of volunteers who work in our Organisation, as set out in Volunteering Australia’s statement of Volunteer Rights.
Volunteers are an integral part of our Organisation and will:
- Always be treated as equally and fairly as our paid staff.
- Be valued for their input, and called upon for their opinions.
- Be consulted on all matters that substantially affect the performance of their work.
- Have the opportunity to effect change in the Organisation through their suggestions and involvement in planning and management.
- Be expected to provide feedback and input to their supervisor (Leader/Manager) regarding their work.
The Board of Girl Guides Australia is responsible for making and amending Girl Guides Australia policies, and setting the strategic direction of the Girl Guides Australia.
The Girl Guides Australia HR Committee Chair and the Management Advisory Committee are responsible for:
- recommending to the Board of Girl Guides Australia polices and amendments to policies relating to volunteers;
- developing; evaluating and reporting to the Board on the volunteer program.
- will, in conjunction with both paid staff and volunteers;
- review and recommend to the Board updates to the policies as necessary, ensuring they are consistent with the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement in Not-for-profit Organisations.
- maintain and update as necessary, in partnership with the Polices and Procedures Committee, procedures to ensure consistency with endorsed policies and the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement in Not-for-profit Organisations.
The Management Advisory Committee has the responsibility and authority to organise, implement and maintain the Board agreed policies and procedures of the volunteer management systems. Further, all paid staff and volunteers of Girl Guides Australia are responsible for and have the authority to identify problems, implement solutions to those problems after appropriate consultation, and contribute to our Organisation’s overall development.
Girl Guides Australia and the State Girl Guide Organisations are responsible for implementing, supervising and supporting volunteers within their respective areas.
The Board of Girl Guides Australia adopts this policy; and the Management Advisory Committee and the State Girl Guide Organisations supports this approach and agree to work within it.
Last Modified: 12/11/21 at 10:35 AM