Adult Good Service Awards and Membership Recognition

The purpose of the Girl Guides Australia (GGA) Adult Good Service Awards and Membership Recognition System is to:

  • Recognise the contribution of adult members and non-member volunteers to Australian Girl Guiding, its members and the community, utilising a system that is equitable, credible, relevant and resourced and which can be applied consistently across the organisations and between individuals, and
  • Encourage the proactive and timely recognition of members and supporters of Girl Guiding and show the organisation’s gratitude.

The three categories of awards in the Adult Good Service Awards and Membership Recognition System are:

1. Good Service Awards

Adult Members can be awarded Good Service Awards Badges for valuable contribution and service to Girl Guiding in Australia whether the involvement is at a local, state, national or international level.

Application for a Good Service Award is made using an online nomination form.

Award nominations will be considered with reference to specific criteria that has been determined for each Award. For more information on each of the Awards and the criteria used please reference the Good Service Awards Criteria

Adult Good Service Award Nomination Form


More information on nominating someone for a Good Service Award can be found in the Guidance Notes:

Guidance Note – Good Service Awards – Nomination Checklist

Guidance Note – Good Service Awards – Completing an Online Awards Application

Guidance Note – Good Service Awards – FAQs

2. Years of Membership

This category recognises commitment to Girl Guiding in terms of the number of years of membership and has one award, namely “Years of Membership”.

Applications for Years of Membership are made according to State procedures.

For more information: Years of Membership.

3. Bravery

This category recognises acts of courage of Youth Members and Adult Members.

Bravery Nomination Form

For more information: Bravery Awards.

Other Girl Guide Awards

Asia Pacific Region Awards (WAGGGS)

These awards are determined by the Asia Pacific Region (APR) of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).

Nominations can be completed using the online form and need to be submitted by 1 November each year.

Asia Pacific Awards Nomination Form

For more information: Asia Pacific Region Awards (WAGGGS).

Non-Members and Supporters

Non-Members and Supporters can also be recognised for their contribution to Girl Guiding.

Non-Member/Supporter Nomination Form

For more information: Recognition of Non-Member Volunteers/Supporters.

Trefoil Guild Thank You Badge

The Trefoil Guild Thank You Badge, is a reward for services and support to the Trefoil Guild. The badge is to be given in ‘Appreciation of the Support by an individual’.

For more information: Trefoil Guild Thank You Badge.

External Awards

Girl Guides Australia strongly encourages and supports the recognition of our members in the wider community through nominations for external awards.

Girl Guides Australia and the State organisations are very proud and appreciative of the positive efforts and achievements of Adult Members. Nominations of members to be recognised in the wider community with external awards is encouraged and keenly supported. National, State and local governments together with business and other organisations, make many awards to community members.

Requests for support in making nominations are always welcomed and should be directed to the Awards Committee in your State Girl Guide Organisation.

The Australian Honours System

Australian Honours recognise, celebrate and thank those who make a difference, those who achieve their best and those who serve others. Appointments in the Order of Australia are publicly announced on Australia Day (26 January) and The Queen’s Birthday public holiday (in June).

GGA enthusiastically encourages nominations to the Australian Honours System and such a nomination can be made by anyone. However, to ensure the best possible and most comprehensive nomination is submitted, it is suggested that the State Adult Awards Committee be consulted about the process and the State Commissioner be informed and invited to be involved in the nomination.


Australian of the Year Awards

These awards celebrate the achievement and contribution of eminent Australians in four categories – Australian of the Year, Young Australian of the Year, Senior Australian of the Year and Australia’s Local Hero.


State and Local Government Awards

These awards acknowledge, encourage and promote the positive achievements of people living in a particular State or Local Government area. Awards vary considerably and requirements for awards submissions should be checked on appropriate websites.

Definitions & Abbreviations

Adult MemberAn Adult Member of Girl Guides Australia or a State Girl Guide Organisation is aged eighteen years or over, lives their life as a female and satisfies the requirements for membership.
Area of WorkThe area of Girl Guiding in which the nominee predominantly provides her good service – Unit, District, Region, State, National or International.
Awards CommitteeCommittee appointed by either a SGGO or GGA
Chief CommissionerThe Volunteer Leader responsible for Girl Guiding in Australia
Girl Guides Australia Adult Good Service Award CommitteeThis committee coordinates and implements the GGA Adult Good Service Awards and Membership Recognition Policy in accordance with the procedures included on Guide Lines.
Guide LinesGuide Lines for Girl Guides and Girl Guide Volunteers is an online library where the policies and procedures of Girl Guides Australia can be found. Guide

Lines should be italicised when it is referenced.

LeaderAdult Member over eighteen years of age committed to principles of Guiding, who has completed a GGA Leadership qualification and is appointed to a leadership role.
Non-Member VolunteerA person who is not an Adult Member of a SGGO or GGA but supports Girl Guiding in a volunteer capacity
Olave Program MemberMembers aged eighteen to thirty years undertaking the Olave Program
SGGOState Girl Guide Organisation
State CommissionerVolunteer Leader responsible for Girl Guiding in a State Girl Guide Organisation
Support GroupGroup of adults within a Girl Guiding District who work to support Guiding but are not members
Trefoil GuildThe Trefoil Guild links Adult Members, former Adult Members, female members of Scouts Australia, and women who have not been Adult Members but who are prepared to make the Girl Guide Promise.
UnitSeparate groups of youth members working with support of a Leader
WAGGGSWorld Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Youth MemberCurrent financial member of a SGGO under 18 years of age

Last Modified: 28/11/22 at 9:33 AM